xIoTz | Managed Cyber Assurance Platform

Double the reach, triple the impact.

Two forces join, impact explodes. Reach new heights, unlock unprecedented value, hand in hand. Double the audience, triple the difference. Partner with us, amplify your story, and shape a brighter future.
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Brewing coffee, bubbling ideas, partnership.

Inspiration percolates, energy electrifies, the spotlight awaits. Grab your mug, grab your vision, let's co-create brilliance. Partner up, amplify your voice, and let's rewrite the rules.
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1 + 1 doesn't just equal 2, it equals innovation.

Where collaboration ignites, 1 + 1 becomes infinite possibilities. Let's rewrite the equation together. Orchestrate groundbreaking ideas with us, and amplify your potential.
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Passion, purpose, and progress.

We share the same DNA. Partner with us and let's change the world, together. Our DNA doesn't code for ordinary. Passion fuels our purpose, progress paves our path. Let's rewrite the world's story, together.
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Let's Work
Together |

Explore the collaborative landscape on our Partners Page at xIoTz. Discover our strategic alliances, technology collaborations, and joint ventures aimed at delivering cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. Learn about reseller programs, certification initiatives, and success stories from our global partner network. Join us in securing the Internet of Things through impactful partnerships with xIoTz.

Strategic Alliances

Explore the strategic partnerships that drive xIoTz's success in the cybersecurity landscape.

Technology Collaborations

Explore our partnerships with top-tier technology providers, working together to deliver advanced cybersecurity solutions.

Channel Partnerships

Explore opportunities for collaboration with xIoTz through our channel partner programs, fostering mutually beneficial relationships.

xIoTz Partners


Types of Partners

We work closely with world-leading distributors, resellers, system integrators, and technology vendors to bring our state-of-the-art security solutions to your enterprise.


Distributors provide services including sales and technical training, marketing and development support.


Provide value added services by coupling your domain or vertical, or application expertise with our product. 

System Integrators

Offer our product as part of your broad range of services and integrated solutions including consulting, implementation, and integration.

Service Provides

For companies that provide consulting and integration services, cloud migrations, or manage customer application workloads.


Connect With xIoTz

If you have any questions about our partner program or would like to speak with someone on our team, please email partners@xiotz.com.

We also work closely with industry associations, organizations, and educational institutions to provide cyber-awareness training and cybersecurity workshops.

Help your clients get the enterprise security they need and deliver an incredible customer experience with the xIoTz Cyber-Assurance Platform. Together, we can protect our clients from cyber threats and provide a cyber-resilient digital world. We look forward to hearing from you!

xIoTz Partner FAQ


Partners FAQ

xIoTz offers various partnership opportunities, including collaborations with businesses, technology integrators, and industry leaders, aiming to collectively enhance cyber-resilience.

To explore partnership opportunities with xIoTz, reach out through our partnership channels on the website. We welcome discussions on collaboration for mutual cyber-resilience.

Partners collaborating with xIoTz gain access to robust cybersecurity solutions, cutting-edge technologies, and a collaborative network focused on achieving cyber-resilience goals.

Yes, xIoTz offers training and support for its partners, ensuring they have the knowledge and resources to effectively implement and support cybersecurity solutions for their clients.

Yes, xIoTz provides a unique tailor-made solution understanding the customer domain and use-case, to meet the specific needs and address the pain-points.


Why Partner With xloTz?

Seize the opportunity to join the xloTz Partner ecosystem to secure your customer’s enterprise and deliver customer success!

Address the Key challenges

Join xloTz Partner Ecosystem in your region to explore new services, products, case studies, and demos.

Growth in existing customer

Conduct xloTz infosec Assessment to help your existing customer to uncover and remediate security gaps.

Training and Certification

Training and certification needed to explore the opportunities to sell cutting- edge products and services.

Dedicated Support Team

Dedicated partner support team with expertise to achieve and deliver Cyber Assurance with an incredible customer experience.

Customer Experience Center

Exclusive virtual experience center to communicate and demonstrate extended Operation Centre values & customer Use Cases.

Join the xloTz Family

Deliver cutting-edge Cyber Assurance solutions to solve advanced security challenges and to protect your customer's data.


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xIoTz Unified Cyber Assurance platform

xIoTz UCAP is a self-healing military grade solution built on an Edge-Cloud platform providing  30+ Security Products built-in & integrated with SIEM enabling cyber safety & data assurance.

Security Operation Centre


Network Detection and Response
End-Point Detection and Response
Application Detection and Response

Network Operation Centre


Performance Management & Auditing
Down Time Management
Log Management System

Threat Operation Centre


DMARC Analyzer & Management
Decoy & Deception Management
Email Trap Analyzer

Next-Gen Vulnerability


System Vulnerability Management
Web Vulnerability Management
Domain Vulnerability Management


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