xIoTz | Managed Cyber Assurance Platform

xiotz Soc

Operation Centre |

Defensive-Security to improve the organization’s security posture by Collecting, monitoring, analyzing and managing data and identifying suspicious activity & alerts .

Secured Network

To identify and stop malicious attempts, our security solution uses behavior analysis, NIDS and continuous network traffic monitoring.

Secured System

Our solution uses CVE and CWE to prioritize vulnerabilities for proactive patching, and HIDS and EDR for continuous monitoring.

Secured App

Using an OWASP recommended practice and a Web Application Firewall (WAF), we strengthen your application.

Secured Network​


Secured System


Secured Application



Network Detection And Response

SIEM or HIDS incorporates real-time analysis of security alerts from system, application and network, security best practice, vulnerability report, regulatory compliance, event investigation and correlation


NFM provides information about the network traffic, utilization, source and destination IP and ports. xIoTz-AI engine maps the information with the Geo-location, IP reputation DB, Autonomous System and IANA databases to gain deep network insights, evaluate risk, bottlenecks and address them.

Intrusion Detection

NIDS analyzes network traffic to detect and protect a system from network threats. Secure the enterprise network from malicious activities such as attacks, port scans and denial-of-service


Behavior Anomaly

Network Behavior Analysis & Anomaly Detection, an integral part of NFM, leverages the same rich dataset to monitor network activity. By employing the xIoTz-AI engine’s capabilities, it detects deviations from established network norms, aiding in anomaly detection and analysis, which is vital for network security and performance optimization.


Aggressive IP Distribution / Abusive IP List Collection of IP addresses that have been identified as being involved in malicious activities such as spamming, hacking, phishing, and other forms of cybercrime. This type of list can be used by organisations to block incoming traffic from known abusive IPs and prevent them from accessing their networks and systems.


End-Point Detection And Response

SIEM or HIDS incorporates real-time analysis of security alerts from system, application and network, security best practice, vulnerability report, regulatory compliance, event investigation and correlation


Host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS ) gives deep visibility on critical security systems & helps detect and respond to malicious or anomalous activities. EDR detects the end-point OS, its packages & patches to explore the system vulnerabilities and mitigate them.


Common Vulnerabilities Exposures(CVE) & Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) helps in identifying the OS vulnerabilities and software weaknesses to address them in the order of priority


MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, & Common Knowledge is a curated knowledge base and model for cyber adversary behavior.


PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, NIST, TSC helps organisations in DATACIA and certifications.


Application Detection And Response

APIDS monitors interaction between user and application to detect suspicious behavior and secures the application from external threats. APIDS assures the API Security of the enterprise application.


WAF helps to protect web applications or APIs by and web traffic.


Provides ranking and remediation guidance for the top 10 most critical web application security. The report is based on security a round the world.


APIDS is an intrusion detection system that focuses on monitoring and analysis on a web application


Protect against DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), and brute force attacks on web servers.

sneak and peek



Company Values

xloTz human rights policy applies to xloTz staff and partners. We also expect our suppliers, vendors, and customers to respect and adhere to.

Health & Hygiene

xloTz provides a safe and healthy work environment, in line Policy & encourages mental and physical health.

Modern Slavery

xloTz has zero-tolerance towards slavery and will not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour, & workers.


xloTz prohibits physical abuse, sexual harassment, verbal abuse & intimidation with serious disciplinary measures.

Child Labour

xloTz will not use child labour. Support legitimate workplace help students apprenticeships & internships.


xIoTz Unified Cyber Assurance platform

xIoTz UCAP is a self-healing military grade solution built on an Edge-Cloud platform providing  30+ Security Products built-in & integrated with SIEM enabling cyber safety & data assurance.

Security Operation Centre


Network Detection and Response
End-Point Detection and Response
Application Detection and Response

Network Operation Centre


Performance Management & Auditing
Down Time Management
Log Management System

Threat Operation Centre


DMARC Analyzer & Management
Decoy & Deception Management
Email Trap Analyzer

Next-Gen Vulnerability


System Vulnerability Management
Web Vulnerability Management
Domain Vulnerability Management


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