xIoTz | Managed Cyber Assurance Platform

xiotz SVM

System Vulnerability
Management |

xIoTz offers a robust System Vulnerability Management solution designed to identify, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities across your entire network.

Automated Vulnerability Scanning

We utilize vulnerability scanning agents to regularly assess desktops, servers, and network devices for weaknesses across operating systems.

Prioritized Patch Management

Our system prioritizes critical vulnerabilities based on severity and exploitability. This ensures that security patches are deployed swiftly to address the most high-risk threats first.

Continuous Threat Monitoring

Maintain 24/7 vigilance to uncover emerging threats and vulnerabilities within your IT infrastructure.



Automated scans find weaknesses, OS patches deployed fast, apps kept current, secure configurations enforced, track vulnerability fixes.

Automated Vulnerability Scanning

Schedule routine scans to uncover vulnerabilities across desktops, servers, and network devices.

Operating System Patch Management

Timely deployment of critical security patches to swiftly mitigate vulnerabilities.

Updates for Third-Party Applications

Keep your applications secure by applying the latest patches.

xIoTz Ethical Standards

Configuration Control

Enforce secure system settings to minimize the attack surface and prevent misconfigurations.

Vulnerability Remediation Tracking

Monitor the progress of identified vulnerabilities throughout the remediation process.


Addressing All System Vulnerability Types

We fix weaknesses in operating systems, applications, firmware, and configurations to prevent unauthorized access and attacks.

Operating System Vulnerabilities

We identify and address weaknesses in operating systems that could allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to your systems.  

Application Vulnerabilities

We uncover vulnerabilities within software applications that could be exploited by attackers to compromise your systems or data.  

Firmware Vulnerabilities

We address vulnerabilities in device firmware that could provide attackers with a foothold in your network.  



We identify and rectify insecure system configurations that could expose your systems to vulnerabilities.


System Vulnerability Management

Proactive xIoTz System Vulnerability Management: Stops intrusions, boosts security, ensures continuity, meets compliance, optimizes resources, minimizes downtime, maximizes ROI, and gives peace of mind.

Prevented System Intrusion

Proactive vulnerability management significantly reduces the risk of system intrusions and data breaches. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them, you can safeguard your critical data and IT infrastructure.



Enhanced Security Posture

A strong security posture is essential for protecting your organization's reputation and critical assets. System vulnerability management is a cornerstone of a comprehensive security strategy, helping you to fortify your systems against a wide range of threats.

Improved Business Continuity

System vulnerabilities can lead to security incidents that disrupt your business operations. Our system vulnerability management program helps to ensure the availability and uptime of your systems, minimizing downtime and potential revenue losses.


Reduced Compliance Risk

Many industry regulations and data security standards mandate that organizations have procedures in place to identify and remediate vulnerabilities. Our program can help you meet these compliance requirements and avoid costly penalties.

Unwavering Peace of Mind

Knowing that your systems are continuously monitored and protected by a team of security specialists allows you to focus on your core business operations with peace of mind. Our team is here to identify and address system vulnerabilities promptly, so you can rest assured that your IT infrastructure is secure.

Optimized Security Resources

By prioritizing vulnerabilities based on severity and exploitability, you can allocate your security resources more efficiently. This ensures that your team is focusing on the most critical threats and addressing them promptly.

Maximized Return on Investment

Investing in system vulnerability management is a cost-effective way to safeguard your organization from cyberattacks. By preventing security incidents and data breaches, you can minimize financial losses and reputational damage. Additionally, a strong security posture can give you a competitive advantage in today's digital landscape.


Minimized Downtime

Swift patching of critical vulnerabilities identified through our program helps to minimize downtime and ensure the uninterrupted operation of your IT systems.



Our vulnerability scanning tools support a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions. We can also scan virtual machines and cloud instances.

We can integrate with your existing patch management tools or recommend solutions to automate the patching process for third-party applications. Our team can also provide guidance on identifying and prioritizing critical application updates.

Upon identifying a vulnerability, our team will classify it based on severity and exploitability. We will provide you with a detailed report outlining the vulnerability, the potential risks, and recommendations for remediation. Our team can also assist you with the patching process to ensure vulnerabilities are addressed swiftly.

Absolutely! xIoTz offers a comprehensive suite of security services, including security configuration assessments, endpoint detection and response (EDR), and security awareness training. We can tailor a security program that meets your specific needs.

Contact xIoTz today to discuss your system security requirements and schedule a free consultation. Our team will assess your IT infrastructure and recommend a customized vulnerability management plan that aligns with your security goals and budget. We will also provide you with a clear roadmap for implementation and ongoing support to ensure your systems remain secure and protected.


Company Values

xloTz human rights policy applies to xloTz staff and partners. We also expect our suppliers, vendors, and customers to respect and adhere to.

Health & Hygiene

xloTz provides a safe and healthy work environment, in line Policy & encourages mental and physical health.

Modern Slavery

xloTz has zero-tolerance towards slavery and will not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour, & workers.


xloTz prohibits physical abuse, sexual harassment, verbal abuse & intimidation with serious disciplinary measures.

Child Labour

xloTz will not use child labour. Support legitimate workplace help students apprenticeships & internships.


xIoTz Unified Cyber Assurance platform

xIoTz UCAP is a self-healing military grade solution built on an Edge-Cloud platform providing  30+ Security Products built-in & integrated with SIEM enabling cyber safety & data assurance.

Security Operation Centre


Network Detection and Response
End-Point Detection and Response
Application Detection and Response

Network Operation Centre


Performance Management & Auditing
Down Time Management
Log Management System

Threat Operation Centre


DMARC Analyzer & Management
Decoy & Deception Management
Email Trap Analyzer

Next-Gen Vulnerability


System Vulnerability Management
Web Vulnerability Management
Domain Vulnerability Management


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