xIoTz | Managed Cyber Assurance Platform

Tag: security information and event management

xIoTz Deception and Decoy management (DDM)

xIoTz Deception and Decoy management (DDM)

The Deception and Decoy Management (DDM) empowers incident responses, continuously monitors, and provides security teams with insights. Security analysts benefit from DDM’s effective control, analysis, and strengthened overall cybersecurity.

Web Application Firewall – xIoTz ADR

Web Application Firewall – xIoTz ADR

xIoTz WAF monitors interaction between user and application to detect suspicious behavior and secures the application from external threats. APIDS assures the API Security at the enterprise application.

xIoTz Log-Management System (LMS)

xIoTz Log-Management System (LMS)

xIoTz Log Management Systems (LMS) are integral tools designed to collect, store, analyze, and present log data. These systems help organizations make sense of the vast amount of information generated by their systems, applications, and network devices.