xIoTz | Managed Cyber Assurance Platform

Web Application Firewall – xIoTz ADR

January 9, 2024

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Web Application Firewall – xIoTz ADR


In an era where the digital world is constantly evolving, safeguarding your web applications is significantly important. xIoTz offers an Application Detection and Response (ADR) solution integrated into your Security Operations Center (SOC) dashboard. 

xIoTz WAF monitors interaction between user and application particularly to detect suspicious behavior and thus, secures the application from external threats. APIDS assures the API Security at the especially enterprise application.

Feature Details


Intrusion detection system that particularly focuses on monitoring, analysis and protecting the web application.

DDOS Mitigation

Protect specifically against Distributed Denial of Service and Brute Force attacks on web servers.

Our ADR solution excels in mitigating the impact of Distributed DoS attacks by monitoring traffic patterns and distinguishing between legitimate and malicious requests. xIoTz ensures specifically the availability and performance of your web applications even in the face of sophisticated DDoS attempts.

OWASP Top 10 Attacks and SANS 25

Two important frameworks for organizations to understand and reduce risks are the OWASP Top 10 and the SANS 25. We understand the importance of frameworks and have developed our Application Detection and Response (ADR) solution. It tackles the issues highlighted by OWASP Top 10 and SANS 25.

The OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10 is a regularly updated document particularly highlighting the ten most critical web application security risks. 

The SANS TOP 25 is a list of the 25 most critical software errors that can further lead to web security breaches.

Here is the comparison of both:

OWASP Top 10


A1: Injection

  • CWE-78: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements Used in an OS Command (‘OS Command Injection’).
  • CWE-89: SQL Injection.
  • CWE-94: Code Injection.
  • CWE-434: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type.
  • CWE-494: Download of Code Without Integrity Check.
  • CWE-829: Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere.

A2: Broken Authentication

  • CWE-306: Missing Authentication for Critical Function
  • CWE-307: Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts
  • CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials
  • CWE-807: Reliance on Untrusted Inputs in a Security Decision
  • CWE-862: Missing Authorization
  • CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization

A3: Sensitive Data Exposure

  • CWE-311: Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data
  • CWE-319: Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information

A4: XML External Entities

  • None

A5: Broken Access Control

  • CWE-73: External Control of File Name or Path
  • CWE-285: Improper Authorization

A6: Security Misconfiguration

  • CWE-250: Execution with Unnecessary Privileges
  • CWE-676: Use of Potentially Dangerous Function
  • CWE-732: Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

A7: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (‘Cross-Site Scripting’)

A8: Insecure Deserialization

  • CWE-134: Use of Externally-Controlled Format String

A9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

  • CWE-190: Integer Overflow or Wraparound
  • CWE-327: Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm
  • CWE-759: Use of a One-way Hash Without a Salt

A10: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

  • None

A1: Application Injections

Our ADR solution is equipped to combat application injections including SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). xIoTz ensures the integrity of your applications by detecting and blocking attempts to manipulate code and compromise sensitive data.

A2: Broken Authentication

Protecting against unauthorized access due to broken authentication is certainly a top priority for xIoTz. Our ADR solution monitors login attempts and session management and identifies and blocks suspicious activities to prevent security breaches.

A3: Sensitive Data Exposure

xIoTz generally employs strong encryption and secure communication protocols to protect sensitive information. With our ADR solution, you can trust that confidential data remains certainly secure against exposure.

A4: XML External Entities (XXE)

Our ADR solution particularly addresses vulnerabilities in XML processors, thus preventing XXE attacks and reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.

A5: Broken Access Control

xIoTz ADR specifically monitors and enforces proper access control mechanisms, thus preventing unauthorized users from accessing privileged information or functionalities within your web applications.

A6: Security Misconfigurations

xIoTz ADR identifies and fixes security misconfigurations, preventing vulnerabilities and ensuring your applications follow industry best practices.

A7: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Protecting against XSS attacks is certainly crucial for maintaining user trust. xIoTz ADR detects and maintains XSS attempts, thus preserving the integrity of your web applications and the safety of your users.

A8: Insecure Deserialization

xIoTz’s ADR evidently safeguard against insecure deserialization threats. Through vigilant monitoring, it identifies and neutralizes potential exploits, thus enhancing your SOC’s resilience against evolving cybersecurity risks.

A9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

xIoTz’s ADR feature basically takes a proactive stance by identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in your applications. xIoTz XOC ensures system safety by providing up-to-date threat information, strengthening it, and automatically resolving any problems.

A10: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

xIoTz ADR specifically examines incoming requests, filtering out potential threats and unauthorized access attempts. By particularly identifying and blocking malicious requests, your web applications remain protected from external attacks.

Benefits of xIoTz WAF

  1. Real-Time Response: With real-time threat detection and response, xIoTz ADR evidently ensures swift action to neutralize potential risks.
  2. Data Confidentiality: Protect sensitive data specifically with xIoTz ADR robust encryption and secure communication protocols.
  3. Cost-Effective Security: Invest in proactive security measures to avoid the costs and consequences associated with post-breach scenarios particularly.
  4. Performance Optimization: By specifically filtering out malicious traffic, xIoTz ADR indeed contributes to improved performance and availability of your web applications.
  5. 24/7 Monitoring: xIoTz ADR certainly provides around-the-clock monitoring, ensuring continuous protection against evolving cyber threats.
  6. Cyber Resilience: Strengthen your organization’s cyber resilience with xIoTz ADR, thus empowering your team to respond effectively to emerging threats.
  7. SIEM Built-In & Integrated: xIoTz ADR is basically pre-integrated with Security information and event management for easy Automation & orchestration.
  8. Automated Alerts & Notifications: xIoTz ADR specifically generates automated alerts & notifications on suspicious activity & security threats.
  9. Data Breach Protection: xIoTz WAF certainly protects the organization from data breaches by blocking malicious traffic before it reaches the web application.
  10. Improved Availability: xIoTz WAF evidently improves the availability of web applications and services by blacklisting malicious sources & blocking DDOS attacks.
  11. Security Management: Simplified security management by providing a centralized monitoring for particularly web applications, with managed security policies and rules.
  12. Visibility And Reporting: Evidently better visibility into web application traffic, by analyzing traffic patterns, identify potential threats, and generate incident reports.

Industry use-cases:

  1. E-commerce Protection: A web application firewall (WAF) specifically safeguards e-commerce platforms by preventing common web-based attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). 
  2. Healthcare Data Security: In the healthcare industry, WAFs are crucial for securing patient portals and electronic health record (EHR) systems. By blocking malicious traffic and unauthorized access attempts, WAFs evidently help maintain the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive medical information.
  3. Financial Services Compliance: Financial institutions specifically rely on WAFs to meet regulatory requirements and protect online banking systems. WAFs mitigate risks certainly associated with data breaches, account tampering and fraud, thus ensuring a secure environment for financial transactions and client information.
  4. Government Website Defense: Government agencies especially use WAFs to defend their websites against cyber threats and attacks. WAFs help prevent disruptions, maintain the availability of public services, and safeguard citizen data from various online security risks.
  5. Cloud Application Security: WAFs to specifically protect against unauthorized access and data breaches. WAFs play a critical role in securing APIs, ensuring that cloud-based services remain resilient indeed against a wide range of web-based threats.


xIoTz Application Detection and Response (ADR) solution, seamlessly integrated into your SOC dashboard, empowers your organization to stay ahead of cyber threats. Trust xIoTz to secure your digital assets, protect sensitive data, and provide a secure digital experience for your users.

Embrace the future of cybersecurity with xIoTz ADR – “Where innovation meets protection.”

Related Terms:

Web application firewall

Threat Operation Centre


Related Blogs:

Network Flow Management

Network Intrusion detection system

Email Trap Analyzer

Reference Links:

What is a WAF? | Web Application Firewall explained | Cloudflare

What is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)? | F5

What is a Web Application Firewall? WAF Explained | TechTarget

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